Thursday 16 March 2017

Busan - South Korea

Busan is the second largest city in South Korea. In 1910 Japan invaded Korea and annexed the country. The Japanese surrender at the end of WWII in 1945 led to the division of Korea. The port we were docked in is the fifth largest in the world and extremely busy.

We were taken to Gukje Market. This was much different to the places we have visited in Japan. Not as clean or welcoming but interesting nevertheless. There is a huge amount of traffic in the city and you certainly can't assume that drivers will stop for you if you are on a crossing.

It is a maze of bustling streets with
shops and stalls selling everything imaginable. The fish market was worth a visit. They had a number of tanks with fish, crabs, eels and sea slugs and many others that I couldn't possibly name. You can buy something and take it inside to cook it yourself on a portable burner. Needless to say we didn't try that. The street food wasn't too appealing either and I couldn't find the toffee strawberries on sticks that had been recommended. We did see a shop selling amazingly cute puppies too. We were slightly concerned about that although they did appear to be looked after ok. At least I hope so.

It's rather a claustrophobic place in some ways. The buildings are quite high and crammed together with hardly a space that someone hasn't tried to fill.  With so many people in busy little streets that all look the same it would be easy to get lost.

1 comment:

  1. Ah poor puppies. I hope they weren't part of the take away menu. Hate seeing things like that xx
