Monday 23 January 2017

Monday January 23rd - Tel's birthday

Another hot day sailing off the coast of South America on our way to Cartagena.

Terry was very happy to have Birthday cards to open this morning. A nice surprise for him. Had lunch out on the terrace in the sun and an extra beer!
Thought we'd be really decadent and have afternoon tea too. Sadly our waistlines won't allow it too often. I don't think our two games of table tennis would have worked much off. One game each but too hot for the decider. I'm just happy to win a game.


  1. Did you get the table to sing happy birthday to Terry?xx

  2. ah - the comments work on the pc but not on my phone. I'll remember that! hope you are having fun. x

  3. We're people organised and gave u Terry's card to take with you I'm so rubbish didn't even think of that. I hope you enjoyed your afternoon tea. Remember the gym probably air cond. just saying, then u can have more afternoon teas xx
